Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CCRPS Update

Hello everyone. I thought that I had better check in and give you all a quick update on a few things.
The CCRPS is about to make some very cool changes. I don’t want to say too much about what is going on, but it’s going to be a good move. Let’s just say that it’s time to grow the group.
Don’t forget that the Matthew Ward concert is only two months away. I am very happy to have the Mooresville Church of God on board with me on this event.
The CCRPS has been helping John Schlitt promote his newest project on If you would like to help John on his new rock CD you can do so at
If you are interested in booking John Schlitt, just drop me a line and I will be happy to help you set that up.
That is all that I have time for right now. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


The Classic Christian Rock Preservation Society is a success! The CCRPS is hosting its first concert with Matthew Ward! The Mooresville Church of God is partnering up with the CCRPS on this show. The Concert is September 24th in Mooresville IN.
I am working on another project right now that could take the CCRPS to the next level. Keep checking back here or my facebook page for updates.
From Honeytree to Stryper; we are The Classic Christian Rock Preservation Society!
Rocking for the Rock!

Matthew Ward In Concert

September 24, 2011 - 7:00 pm - Moorseville, Indiana
The Classic Christian Rock Preservation Society presents:
Matthew Ward (with special guest Sam Scales)
Mooresville Christian Academy
4271 State Road 144 East
Mooresville, Indiana 46158